→ Configuration
In this section, you can configure the network settings. The below icons are present on the top right corner of the Network GUI.
Icons | Description |
To manage the Network's Name and the proxy configuration for an available network interface, click on the Network Name icon. Input a valid Network Name in the Label field and click on the add icon. Input the proxy address (if applicable) in the Proxy field. The Proxy field has the format "IP:Port"; for example, If it is an HTTP proxy, the format is "http://ip:port". |
To edit a Network Interface Configuration, choose the desired Network, and click on the edit icon, or double-click the relevant row. Edit or Modify the desired fields, as shown below.
Click on submit to save the edited Network Interface Configuration. |
To refresh the Network GUI for the changes to reflect, click on the refresh icon. |
The Network Configuration has the below fields.
Fields | Description |
Name | It is the Name of the logical Network, and it is unique for each Network Interface Card (NIC). |
Interface ID | It is the physical ID of the Interface (eth0, eth1, etc.). |
Device | The Device's (Cloud instance, virtual machine, or a physical server) name. |
Mode | Static IP or DHCP. |
IP Address | For a Static IP Mode, input the IP Address according to local network configuration. For a DHCP Mode, the IP Address will be set automatically by the DHCP server. |
Network Mask | For a Static IP Mode, input the Network Mask according to local network configuration. For a DHCP Mode, the Network Mask will be set automatically by the DHCP server. |
Default Gateway | For a Static IP Mode, input the Default Gateway according to local network configuration. For a DHCP Mode, the Default Gateway will be set automatically by the DHCP server. |
Flow Control | Ethernet Flow Control settings (Auto, Enabled, or Disabled). |
IGMP Version | IGMP version settings: Auto mode is recommended; however, certain network environments may require other IGMP versions. |
Stacking Multicast | When checked ( |
), the device can communicate with other MCM-9000 devices, when in Stack mode, through the selected network interface, and UDP multicast must be allowed on this network. If checked, this network interface will transmit and receive the stack configuration between the stacked servers. | |
Video Bridge | When checked ( |
), the NIC will send the streams in TCP mode to the displaying systems (CED) in stacking mode. | |
Stacking Multicast TTL | TTL (Time To Live) for the management of multicast communication. |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) specifies the largest packet size that can be sent over a network connection. The standard default value is 1500 bytes. |
Note: If the Network Configuration is incorrect, the device's connection (and the device configuration) is no longer available. Please refer to Recover Network Configuration for more details.