On the MCM, do ssh and log in as the root user.
Create a text file named: nmos.info
In the file fill the following fields:
Info |
ip port 8080 |
Other flags:
dontverify Additonal flags supported on nmos.info file:
Info |
ip=xx.xx.xx.xx port=xxxx dontverify queryport=xxxx |
dontverify : dontverify prevents verification of the NMOS IS-04 to the query server (if not available)
queryport=4444 xxxx : queryport defines the query server port - if not the same as the connection port.
**from Note
Recommend to have version 5.6.8 onwards7 which includes dontverify. It is added to reduce the number of flag request.
Version 5.6.8 includes the query port if the query port is different from the registry port. (optional)
4. Upload the file to the icons folder using ftp with the following credentials: