If you do not have an mDNS, it is possible to specify static nmos server configuration, to do so, please follow the steps below. either manually or through the GUI of MCM9000.
Manual configuration
On the MCM, do ssh and log in as the root user.
Create a text file named: nmos.info
In the file fill the following fields:
6. Now follow the steps 2 and 3 in Working with mDNS.
GUI configuration
MCM9000 support NMOS settings through the GUI from Version 5.7.0 onwards. Please follow the steps below to configure the NMOS settings through GUI when you dont have an mDNS.
Please navigate to System → System Information → System Settings.
2. In the NMOS Settings, specify the registry and query in the format : registry=<ip_address>:<port>,query=<query port>,noverify. For example, registry=,query=2222,noverify.
**Please note, query is optional and if it is not defined it’s considered noverify.
**registry can also be specified as reg=<ip_address>:<port>.
3. Click on the submit button.
Source configuration
Please ensure to follow the below steps in case the device is not recognized in NMOS controller.
In the source configuration the right network interface is selected for the main and secondary NIC.
2. In the PID/components the required 2110 Audio and Video.
Please note, all the Audio and Video are displayed individually when viewed on NMOS controller.