Version 1.1.2LA (limited availability)
** Note - MCS 1.1.2 Compatible with MCM 6.3.1, 6.3.3
Security Note: please make sure to set up the password for the REDIS pipe (PIPE_REDIS_PASSWORD=)
** New Features
Add Nielsen channel configuration and thresholds in MCS
Add Format selection for TR-08 sender
** Changes
Change default value "HLS Index Generation Interval" to 1 min - Requires MCM 6.3.3
MCS API 5.0/5.1 - Updating VLAN type interface over 5.0
** Fixes
Sources under MCS penalty box control stayed in the penalty box after decay time ended.
After the upgrade of MCMs to 6.3.1 and MCS to 1.1.1, the previews of outputs on MCS stopped working
Encoder filtering requires full name entering
Zixi - Subsequent Scans with the same host URL aren't added to MCS
MCS no longer allows colors for backgrounds in Mosaics - Requires MCM 6.3.3
Can't add mcm device with multiple license server entries
Unable to add a new MCM, Error: You must provide selection conditions in order to find a single row
Network error message when configuring CDI sender
Can't use 2 license server URLs in the MCS as in the MCM
Source configuration - Scan and monitoring issues
Device configuration Editing access for URL, UN and PW
Version 1.1.1
** Note - MCS 1.1.1 Compatible with MCM 6.3.1
Security Note: please make sure to set up the password for the REDIS pipe (PIPE_REDIS_PASSWORD=)