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Please follow the steps to configure WebRTC.

WebRTC Rx through Janus Server

  1. Navigate to Sources → Scan and scan WebRTC source.




Display Name

A user-defined name for caption display on the mosaic and system messages.

User Name/UUID

Unique username for the channel; used for SNMP traps and emails.

Access Type

Desired Type of channel source (WebRTC).

Enable Recording

Allows recording whenever a recordable event is encountered.

Publish Point URL

Publish point URL string in WebRTC.

*For example, if "" is a working WebRTC stream, "" refers to the publishing point URL.

Please note, currently WebRTC Rx ingest is supported only using the Janus server as publish point. 

** From version 6.2.2 onwards MCM9000 supports, TURN server support for Amagi WebRTC. Publish point URL for TURN server is in the format : <url>&turn=user:password@<turn-ip>:<turn-port>

For example,

Stream URL Identifier

Stream identifier string in WebRTC.

*For example, if "" is a working WebRTC stream, stream1 refers to the Stream URL identifier.


The NIC used to intercept the source.


Specify the latency (in ms).

Service Type

Service type settings (SD/HD/Radio, etc.); used for system resource allocation.

Service type refers to the number of hardware resources that should be allocated for monitoring the channel.

Service type is usually measured by SD point (0.5,1,5,10,20...) depending upon the required hardware allocation which is usually detected during the scan.

Tally Settings

Configure tally settings for a specific source.


General notes about the channel.

**From version 5.7.0 onwards MCM9000 supports channels rotation at 90 or 270 degree, enabling potrait view. Please refer to Potrait view of a channel for detailed description. 

**From version 6.0.6 onwards MCM9000 supports #SLIDE# option in the "Note" field for sources that has frame interval greater than 2 seconds.


WebRTC Tx configuration is available on MCM9000 version 6.3.1 onwards.


WebRTC Tx can be configured by the following two ways:

1. WebRTC Tx with a Janus Server

  1. Navigate to Outputs → Configuration, open an existing output or create a new output. Under the Encoder tab, ensure that the Codec Type is H.264 and GOP Mode is Static, IP Frames. WebRTC does not support B Frames.


Enable the output to start streaming to the Janus server.

2. WebRTC Tx Direct from the MCM

  1. Navigate to Outputs Configuration, Create a new output or open an existing output.

  2. Under the Encoder tab, ensure that the Codec Type is H.264 and GOP Mode is Static, IP Frames. WebRTC does not support B Frames.


Once output is enabled the WebRTC player can negotiate the stream with the MCM.

Network Requirements

WebRTC Tx Direct requires an SDP file to be shared with the WebRTC player. No additional MCM ports need to be opened. The SDP file default MCM path is ‘<MCM IP>/files/video/rtc_<encoder UUID>.sdp’. The SDP file will enable the player to pull the stream from the MCM.
