Versions Compared


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You can drag and drop the sources that needs to be on output encoder into the mosaic as shown above.

MCS Version 1.2.0 onwards, Tags option is available for filtering large layouts.


The Layout Configuration has the following fields.




Name of the Layout.

Layout Type

Select the Layout Template(default or created).


Specifies the brackground colour of the tiles in RGBXXXXXX format, (RGB808080 has a grey background).

**Version 1.1.1 onwards MCS allows images uploaded through MCM files to be choosen as background.

**Version 1.1.2 onwards MCS allows color picker that can be choosed as background.

UMD Display Mode

Select the UMD mode from the dropdown Scroll, Squeeze, or Crop.


Specifying Tags enables filtering the layouts based on tags. (E.g. Tag1)

Tile Attributes : Each tile can have upto four UMD’s along with Tally source.

** In this example, only the first tile has been assigned with two UMDs, Tally Source and Border Tally. Based on the channel, you can choose your UMDs.

For UMD and tally settings, please refer to the appendix Dynamic UMD updating.


First UMD display.


Second UMD display.


Third UMD display.


Fourth UMD display.

Tally Source

Tally Source name.

Border Tally

{label}[border=t0] :See below UMD & Tally control API – the tally setting defines the interface mapping to the tile. Enables mapping of tally color into border color.

alarm=none :Disable on-screen source alarm display.

Show Alarms

When enabled, displays alarms.
