How to replace Faulty Dongle

How to replace Faulty Dongle

For the following steps, a Microsoft Windows-based machine should be used (even a laptop, please avoid a Macintosh-based machine).

  1. Download "makeDongle_vXX.rar" from the support zone into a Windows OS-based machine.

  2. Extract from the downloaded file the "makeDongle" application

  3. Connect the flash drive to Windows OS-based machine

  4. From the flash drive, copy the file "license.tag" and "settings.xml" that could be found under the "license" folder. Keep this file for step 11.

  5. From the flash drive, copy the files “software.bin” and “firmware.bin” from both img1 & img2 folders.

  6. Run the "makeDongle" application.

7. Make sure the correct target drive is selected in the application, should be the flash driver.

8. Format the flash drive using the windows "makeDongle" application.

9. Copy the "software.bin" file into "img1" & "img2" folders.

10. Copy the "firmware.bin" file into "img1" & "img2" folders.

11. Copy the "license.tag" & "settings.xml" ( from step 4 ) file into the "license" folder.

12. Reconnect the flash drive to the server.


If the above procedure didn’t work, please download the Software and the Firmware from your support zone and copy them to both folders (Img1|Img2), and then boot again.  

If the issue still persists, please contact TAG support to send you a new dongle.