MCM-9000 License Activation

MCM-9000 License Activation

  1. After the successful launching of the MCM900 in any environment (For e.g. a VM, instance on EC2 etc.) and depending on the architecture method you have chosen, open a browser and type the Public IP (Method 1) OR the private IP (Method 2) to connect the MCM9000 GUI.

  2. When the TAG login page appears, use the following credentials:

User Name: Admin | Password: Admin (both with a capital “A”)


Before you begin using the Licensing Service, you’ll need to obtain a license code, which you should receive from the TAG V.S. Support team. This code is a unique text string, made of letters and numbers, and is case sensitive.

Setting up the license

TAG V.S. MCM9000 communicates with the licensing server via HTTPS (over port 443) and requires DNS access. Configure the firewall accordingly and please confirm you have added the following DNS addresses to AWS VPC Security Group:

1. http://lic.srva.tagvs.com:443
2. http://lic.srvb.tagvs.com:443

Activate License Sharing for the unit (System → System Information)

  • Be advised that although it’s possible to use the License code on several MCM9000 units, this will not duplicate the license rather; share the license between multiple units.


  • Enter the License code you received in the corresponding field and click the “Submit” button (System → System Information → System Settings).

**Please also see the https://tag.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UPGRADES/pages/509214821 in cloud environment.

  • Cloud license should be granted now, as can be seen on the Devices list (System → Devices).

The MCM9000 provide information about the Hardware and Instance type, Including device statistics on CPU, Memory and Network.

To view the information from the MCM9000 :
System → System Information → Device Information [Tab] / Hardware Information [Tab]


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