How to configure portrait view (rotation) of a channel

How to configure portrait view (rotation) of a channel

**From version 5.7.0 onwards MCM9000 supports channels rotation at 90 or 270 degrees, enabling a portrait view of the channel.

To configure a portrait view please follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Source → Configuration and select the channel you want to be in portrait view and double click or click on edit.

  2. At the bottom of the Source tab in the Notes free text field specify #rotate_90# or #rotate_270# as needed. Click on submit to save changes

3. In this example, there are 2 channels (HLS and MPEG-DASH) one with 90 deg rotation and other with 270 deg rotation.

4. Make sure you have configured the encoder. Please refer Configure Output Encoder to configure the encoder.

5. To view the outputs on the mosaic click on the play encoder. In the below screenshot the left channel shows 90 degrees rotation and right side channel shows 270 degrees rotaion.