How to configure the scheduler on MCS

How to configure the scheduler on MCS

MCS allows profile change on the channel configuration based on the scheduler configuration. Please follow the steps below to configure the scheduler and use it in the source configuration for profile change.

**Before creating the scheduler groups, ensure you have the desired profile on the monitored channel that requires a profile switch. If you don’t have one, please create a profile per your requirement.

  1. Navigate to Source → Sources Config, and double click on the channel you want to create a profile; navigate to the profile screen as shown below. Click on the Add Profile button (Highlighted in red). In this example, we will use two profiles in the scheduler configuration. Default and profile1 (Highlighted in green). The Default profile has the default profile configuration of the channel. In the new profile created (profile1), fill in the details appropriately and click on the save icon to save the newly created profile.

2. Navigate to System → Scheduler

Click on the add icon and fill in the details and click on save icon.








Free text field to mention notes.


Usually profile change.


Colour displayed on the mosaic during profile change.


Select the timezone from the dropdown list. (UTC is selected by default)

Scheduling Group

Specify a unique name for the scheduler.

Active From

Specify the start date for the profile change.

Active Until

Specify the stop day for the profile change.

Repeat On

Time of Day

Specify the time for the profile change

Repeat on Days of Week

Specify the days in the week for the profile change

Target Profile Label

Specify the profile name that should be changed during this time. (This should be the profile created in step 1. In this example it is profile1)

The scheduler group (Sch1) is created and can be used in the channel for profile change.

3. Navigate to the Source → Configuration. Double click on the channel (same as in step 1 for which profile1 was created) for profile change. In the Common screen, at the bottom, enable the Scheduling Group. This will list the scheduler group created in step2. Select the scheduling group and click on save icon.

Done! The scheduler group is configured and profile change would occur based on the time configured in the scheduling group.

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