Tile Editor

Tile Editor

In the Layout Editor, we saw how to use the default Tile Types. Version 6.2 onwards, MCM provides a versatile feature for creating your customized Tile Type or editing an existing tile through the GUI using the Tile Editor functionality. The Tile Editor APIs on API version 5.0 can also be used to create a customized tile.


Output → Tile Editor




The below icons are present on the top right corner of the Tile Editor GUI.





To add a new tile, click on the add icon. Specify the desired Name and choose the Content Type from the dropdown list. Content Type option is enabled for new tile. Once you save the tile, content type cannot be changed later.

** Available Contents are Channel, Graphics, Text Box, Clock.


Click on Submit, and a new tile is created.

The right side of the Tile Editor GUI shows the tile added. To copy an existing Tile Editor, select the desired Tile Editor and click on the Copy icon.


To edit the details of an existing Tile Editor, select the desired Tile Editor and double-click or click on the edit icon. Click on submit to save the changes.

*Please note content type cannot be edited.


To delete an existing Tile Editor, select the Tile Editor and click on the delete icon.

Click on remove to delete the Tile permanently.

To refresh the Tile Editor GUI, click on the refresh icon.

Click on Save Changes to save the Tile Editor.


MCM9000 allows uploading an existing tile. Click on the upload tile icon and choose the ingest file and click on upload.


MCM9000 allows downloading the existing and newly created tiles. Click on the download icon to download the tile as a .jpg file. This downloaded file can be used later on a different MCM9000 using the Upload Tile option or drag and drop into the tile editor.



The below fields are present in the Tile Editor GUI.


The Object types that can be incoporated to the new customized tile.


Object types vary for different content types. Available Objects,

  • Video, Audio, UMD, Alarm, Border, Other, Icon, Info, and Horizontal Audio (For content type Channel)

  • Image (For content type Graphics)

  • Text (For content type Text Box)

  • Clock (For content type Clock)

Preview Resolution

Choose the resolution from the dropdown list as required.



The Tile Objects that are used for creating the tile are listed here. In this example, 4 objects (Video, Audio, UMD, Alarm) are used.



The properties for the tile obejects are listed here. For example, for the selected object Audio all its properties are listed below, its height, width, margin, index etc. You can adjust the dimensions specifying the values here.



To configure Tile Editor please refer to How to configure Tile Editor on MCM9000.

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