ID | Name | Event Error | Description |
4 | PAT Is Scrambled | Scrambled Flag on PAT | The packet header scrambling flag is marked as scrambled – for PID 0x00 (PAT). PAT is not supposed to be scrambled. If the scrambling flag on the PAT table is set to on, an alarm is triggered. |
5 | PAT Not Found | PAT Not Found | PAT table not found. |
6 | PAT Repetition Rate Too Slow | PAT Repetition Too Slow | The PAT repetition rate is too slow; the threshold is configurable. The default value is 0.5 seconds. An alarm is triggered when the threshold is less than the PAT repetition rate. |
8 | Table ID Error on PID 0x00 (PAT) | PAT Table ID Error | PAT table ID field is not equal to 0x00. This event is triggered if a wrong table ID is received for PAT PID. |
52 | PAT CRC change(Monitor changes to PAT CRC) | PAT CRC changed | The CRC for the PAT changed without version change of the PAT Table. |
64 | PAT Version Change | PAT Version Changed | The PAT version was changed. Whenever the content of the PAT table changes, the CRC of the table changes as well, and the version number of the table is incremented. This event is not an error. |
68 | Program Not Found | Program Not Found | The selected service (program) number is not found in the PAT. If any channel (program) is configured in the PAT, but while decoding the PAT, reference to that specific channel is not present, the "Program not found" event is triggered, which is a critical error. This error is relevant for MPTS and not for SPTS, which has only one program in the Transport Stream. |
69 | PMT PID Change | PMT PID Changed | PMT PID changed. The PAT table is a simple table where all the program numbers are identified. This table has the program numbers vs. their PMT PID. |
75 | PAT Is Illegal | PAT Illegal | Illegal values or length on PAT. This event is triggered if the structure of the PAT is illegal. For example, certain forbidden markers on the header are present. |
99 | CC Errors on PAT | CC error on PAT | CC (Continuity Count) errors, detected on the PAT PID. Along with the PID's, the transport stream (TS) consists of a CC Counter, which increments by 1 for each packet received. |
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