API Ver 2.0 R1

This document provides information on API 2.0 used for MCM9000.


MCM9000 uses basic authorization with the same username and password used to log in.


Audio Alarm Agent

Configures the audio alarm upon incoming new event.




GET audio_alarm_notification_agents

Returns a list of Audio Alarm Agents configuration data.

GET audio_alarm_notification_agents/{id}

Returns a single specific Audio Alarm Agent configuration data.

POST audio_alarm_notification_agents

Adds a new Audio Alarm Agent.

POST audio_alarm_notification_agents/{id}

Duplicates a single specific Audio Alarm Agent into a new one, preserving all original data except the title.

PUT audio_alarm_notification_agents/{id}

Updates a single specific Audio Alarm Agent configuration.

DELETE audio_alarm_notification_agents/{id}

Deletes a single specific Audio Alarm Agent.

Error Display Agent

Configures the Error Display Agent (Penalty Box).




GET error_display_notification_agents

Returns a list of Error Display Agents configuration data.

GET error_display_notification_agents/{id}

Returns a single Error Display Agent configuration data.

POST error_display_notification_agents

Adds a new Error Display Agent.

POST error_display_notification_agents/{id}

Duplicates a single specific Error Display Agent into a new one, preserving all configuration data except for the title.

PUT error_display_notification_agents/{id}

Updates a single specific Error Display Agent configuration data.

DELETE error_display_notification_agents/{id}

Deletes a single specific Error Display Agent.

Channel Commands

Set of commands to use on specific selected channels.




GET channels/command/unMonitor/{id}

Stop monitoring a channel, specified by the required {id} parameter.

GET channels/command/monitor/{id}/{dev_id}

Start monitoring a channel on a specific device, specified by the required {id} and {dev_id} parameters.

GET channels/command/enableRecord/{id}

Set a specific channel to be recordable. The recording could be handled manually or by trigger event.

GET channels/command/disableRecord/{id}

Stops a specific channel from being recordable.

GET channels/command/forceProfile/{id}/{profile_id}

Force a monitored channel to use a specific profile, overriding any default and scheduled profile changes. Also used to release a channel from a forced profile.

GET channels/command/startRecord/{ch_id}/{agent_id}

Start recording the channel. The recording will continue until "stopRecord" action is sent or record timeout limit reached.

GET channels/command/stopRecord/{ch_id}

Stops the recording task on this channel.

GET channels/command/setSnooze/{id}/{remark}

Set Snooze on channel, disabling error notifications till snooze is cleared.

GET channels/command/clearSnooze/{id}

Clears the Snooze state from a channel.

Channel Config

Channel configuration & management.




GET channels/config

Returns a list of all channels in the system, with its main configuration data. If a stack is defined, the list will include all devices on that stack.

GET channels/config/{id}

Returns an extended single channel configuration view, specified by the required {id} parameter.

POST channels/config

Add a new channel, configured according to attached data request.

POST channels/config/{id}

Copies a channel configuration to a new channel.

PUT channels/config/{id}

Edit a channel configuration.

DELETE channels/config/{id}

Delete a specific channel.

Multi DELETE channels/config/.format?remove[]={id}&remove[]{id}

Delete a multiple channel.

GET channels/config/meta

Returns all meta data used by channel configuration.

Channel Events

Channel events information & description.




GET channels/events

Returns list of all current, active and inactive, events in the system.

GET channels/events/meta

Returns meta data for channel events.

Channel Statistics

Channel statistics information.




GET channels/statistics/meta

Returns channel statistics meta data.

GET channels/statistics

Returns a list of monitored channels main statistics.

GET channels/statistics/{id}

Returns a specific channel's statistics.

GET channels/statistics/bitrate/{ch_id}/{pid}

Returns a data array of channel pid bitrates, specified by the required {id} parameter.

GET channels/statistics/loudness/{ch_id}/{pid}/current

Returns current immediate statistics of channel PID loudness data as defined by EBU R128.

GET channels/statistics/loudness/{ch_id}/{pid}/hourly/from:{start_time}

Returns hourly statistics of channel PID loudness data as defined by EBU R128. Each entry represents one hour, starting from timestamp specified in start_time parameter.

GET channels/statistics/loudness/{ch_id}/{pid}/daily/from:{start_time}

Returns daily statistics of channel PID loudness data as defined by EBU R128.

GET channels/statistics/videoBlocking/{ch_id}/{pid}

Returns channel's video blocking statistics.

GET channels/statistics/quantizers/{ch_id}/{pid}

Returns channel's average, minimum and maximum quantizers data.

GET channels/statistics/audio_pids_statistics

Returns a list of channels audio statistics. For each channel, the statistics includes bitrate and loudness information, codec type, language and cc_errors count.

Daily Reports

Configuration status report might be sent every day on a specific time either to an email address or uploaded to FTP.




GET reports/meta

Returns a slit of meta data information used for Daily Report configuration.

GET reports

Returns a list of all Reports configuration data.

GET reports/{id}

Returns a single specific Report configuration data.

POST reports

Adds a new Daily Report.

PUT reports/{id}

Updates a single specific Report.

DELETE reports/{id}

Deletes a single specific Report configuration.

GET reports/command/sendReport/{report_id}/{device_id}

Sends the specified report immediately, disregarded the configured Time.

Device Agents Statistics

Use this API to retrieve memory and CPU statistics of any agent in the system.




GET device_agents/statistics

Returns a list of all available Device Agents brief information.

GET /device_agents/statistics/{app_id}/{app_type}

Returns a detailed single specific Device Agent information.


Configuration & management of devices.




GET devices

Returns list of all devices on connected and multicast enabled network.

GET devices/{id}

Returns a single device configuration.

PUT devices/{id}

Update device configuration, specified by the required {id} parameter. Must be running from the desired device.

GET devices/command/softReset

Restarts all software components. Unsaved configuration is kept.

GET devices/command/hardReset

Full restart of the device. If a standalone system, configuration will return to last saved one, removing all unsaved changes. If device connected to stack, configuration will be kept, as long as at least one device on the stack stays up.

GET devices/command/shutDown

Complete shutdown of the device.

GET devices/command/saveConfig

Saves configuration of all devices on stack, if any defined.

GET devices/switchBootImage/{image_id}

Switch to the specified boot image for next system reboot.

GET devices/meta

Returns list of device's meta data. Data includes DeviceStatusTypes and current available images.

Display Agent

On screen error display configuration for showing events inside the Mosaic output stream.




GET display_notification_agents/meta

Returns a list of meta data used with Display agent.

GET display_notification_agents

Returns a list of Display Agents configurations.

GET display_notification_agents/{id}

Returns a single Display Agent configuration.

POST display_notification_agents

Adds a new Display Agent.

POST display_notification_agents/{id}

Copies an existing Display Agent configuration into a new agent.

PUT display_notification_agents/{id}

Updates an existing Display Agent.

DELETE display_notification_agents/{id}

Deletes an existing Display Agent.

DNS Servers

External DNS configuration & management.




GET dns_servers

Returns a list of all DNS Servers configuration data.

GET dns_servers/{id}

Returns a single specific DNS Server configuration data.

POST dns_servers

Adds a new DNS Server configuration.

PUT dns_servers/{id}

Updates a single specific DNS Server configuration.

DELETE dns_servers/{id}

Deletes a single specific DNS Server configuration.

Email Agent

Email configuration for sending daily reports and error notifications.




GET email_notification_agents

Returns a list of all Email agents configurations in the system.

GET email_notification_agents/{id}

Returns a single Email Notification Agent configuration data.

POST email_notification_agents

Adds a new Email Notification Agent.

POST email_notification_agents/{id}

Copies an existing agent configuration into a new one.

PUT email_notification_agents/{id}

Updates an agent configuration data.

DELETE email_notification_agents/{id}

Deletes an existing agent and all its references.

GET email_notification_agents/command/test/{id}

Sends test email for an existing agent.

Encoder Commands

Available commands to use on the encoders.




GET outputs/command/start/{encoder_id}/{device_id}

Starts the desired encoder on a specific device in the stack, if defined.

GET outputs/command/stop/{encoder_id}

Stops an active encoder.

GET outputs/command/setSourceAudioPid/<encoder_id>/<channel_source_id>/<pid>

Changes audio mosaic state.

Event Rule Set(Thresholds)

Configures groups of thresholds triggers for all types of errors.




GET event_rule_sets/meta

Returns a list meta data for Event Rule Sets configuration.

GET event_rule_sets

Returns a list of all Event Rule Sets configuration data.

GET event_rule_sets/{id}

Returns a detailed single specific Event Rule Set configuration data.

POST event_rule_sets

Adds a new Event Rule Set.

POST event_rule_sets/{id}

Duplicates a single specific Event Rule Set into a new one, preserving all configuration except the title.

PUT event_rule_sets/{id}

Updates a sngle specific Event Rule Set.

DELETE event_rule_sets/{id}

Deletes a single specific Event Rule Set.

File Agent

Handles the uploads of recordings to an FTP server.




GET file_notification_agents/meta

Returns some meta data information used for the File Agent configuration.

GET file_notification_agents

Returns a list of File Agents configuration data.

GET file_notification_agents/{id}

Returns a single File AGent configuration data.

POST file_notification_agents

Adds a new File Agent.

POST file_notification_agents/{id}

Duplicates a single specific File Agent into a new one, preserving all original agent's data except for the title.

PUT file_notification_agents/{id}

Updates a specific File Agent configuration data.

DELETE file_notification_agents/{id}

Deletes a single specific File Agent.

GET file_notification_agents/command/test/{id}

Creates a demo text file on the configured server for an existing agent.

FTP Server

An external FTP server to upload recordings to.




GET ftp_agents

Returns a list of FTP Servers configurations data.

GET ftp_agents/{id}

Returns a single specific FTP Server configuration data.

POST ftp_agents

Adds a new FTP SErver configuration.

POST ftp_agents/{id}

Duplicates a single specific FTP Server configuration, preserving the original configuration data except for the title.

PUT ftp_agents/{id}

Updates a single specific FTP Server configuration.

DELETE ftp_agents/{id}

Deletes a single specific FTP Server.

Mosaic Output Stream Configuration

Configuration of the mosaic output stream encoders.




GET outputs/config/meta

Returns meta data ( data types list available values).

GET outputs/config

Returns a list of encoders configuration data, including Layouts selection data, Transport Stream configuration and Output Stream configuration.

GET outputs/config/{id}

Returns a single encoder full configuration data.

POST outputs/config

Add a new encoder for mosaic output stream.

PUT outputs/config/{id}

Edit an existing encoder.

DELETE outputs/config/{id}

Deletes an existing encoder.

Mosaic Output Stream Status

Statuses of the active encoders.




GET outputs/status

Returns a list of active encoder's status information.

GET outputs/status/{id}

Returns a single active encoder status information.

Network Interface Configuration

Configure the actual network interfaces or combine several interfaces to one virtual network.




GET networks/config/meta

Returns a list of meta data used for network configuration. Data includes mode types for Flow ControlIGMP and IP Assignment Methods.

GET networks/config

Returns a list of available network interfaces configuration on the system.

GET networks/config/{id}

Returns a single network interface configuration, specified by network ID.

PUT networks/config/{id}

Update network interface configuration.

GET networks/config/name

Returns a list of available network names.

POST networks/config/name/{network_name}

Adds a network name to the available name list.

PUT networks/config/name/{networkName_id}/{new_networkName}

Updates network name.

DELETE networks/config/name/{networkName_id}

Deletes a network name from the list.

Network Interface Status

Gets the actual status of the network interfaces.




GET networks/status

Returns a list of statuses of all network interfaces in the system.

GET networks/status/{id}

Returns a single network interface status information.

Notification Sets

Configures where, how and when to send notifications about events in the system, either error events and status of channels or system events of any kind. The notification sets refers to the following Notification Agents: Email, Display, SNMP, File, Centralized Error Display and Audio Alarm.




GET notification_sets/meta

Returns meta data information for Notification Set configuration.

GET notification_sets

Returns a list of Notification Sets configurations.

GET notification_sets/{id}

Returns a detailed single specific Notification Set configuration data.

POST notification_sets

Adds a new Notification Set.

POST notification_sets/{id}

Duplicates a specific Notification Set into a new one, preserving all data except for title.

PUT notification_sets/{id}

Updates a single specific Notification Set.

DELETE notification_sets/{id}

Deletes a single specific Notification Set.

NTP and PTP Server & Status

Synchronize the system clocks with a specific pre-configured NTP (Network Time Protocol) and PTP (Precision Time Protocol).




GET ntp_servers

Returns a list of all NTP Servers configuration data.

GET ntp_servers/{id}

Returns a single specific NTP Server configuration data.

POST ntp_servers

Adds a new NTP Server configuration.

PUT ntp_servers/{id}

Updates a single specific NTP Server configuration.

DELETE ntp_servers/{id}

Deletes a single specific NTP Server configuration.

GET device_clocks/command/sync

Synchronizes local clock.

GET device_clocks/{device_id}

Returns current status of local clock.

GET ntp/config

Returns a list of all NTP Servers configuration data.

GET ntp/config/{id}

Returns a single specific NTP Server configuration data.

POST ntp/config

Adds a new NTP Server configuration.

PUT ntp/config

Updates a single specific NTP Server configuration.

DELETE ntp/config

Deletes a single specific NTP Server configuration.

GET ptp/config

Returns a list of all PTP Servers configuration data.

GET ptp/config/{id}

Returns a single specific PTP Server configuration data.

GET ptp/status

Returns current PTP status.

POST ptp/config

Adds a new PTP Server configuration.

PUT ptp/config

Updates a single specific PTP Server configuration.

DELETE ptp/config

Deletes a single specific PTP Server configuration.

Output Layouts

Output layouts configuration.




GET output_layouts/meta

Returns list of pre-defined layout types.

GET output_layouts

Returns a list of layouts configuration.

GET output_layouts/{id}

Returns a single layout configuration.

POST output_layouts

Adds a new blank layout.

PUT output_layouts/{id}

Updates a specific layout

POST output_layouts/{id}

Copies a specific layout data into a new layout.

DELETE output_layouts/{id}

Deletes a specific layout.


Use this tool to scan the network for Transport Streams and automatically add them to the system, saving time wasted on manual configuration of the channels.




GET scanner_tasks/meta

Returns list of pre-defined scanner tasks.

GET scanner_tasks

Returns a list of all available scanner tasks configurations.

GET scanner_tasks/{id}

Returns single scanner tasks configurations.

POST scanner_tasks

Adds a new scanner task to the system and auto-start the scan process.

DELETE scanner_tasks/{id}

Deletes a scanner task.

GET scanner_tasks/command/stop/{id}

Stops a running scanner task. Channels found until that time are kept.

GET scanner_tasks/command/restart/{id}

Restarts an idle scanner task.

SNMP Agent

SNMP protocol configuration for sending notifications to an external MIB tool.




GET snmp_notification_agents

Returns a list of all SNMP agents configurations.

GET snmp_notification_agents/{id}

Returns a single SNMP Agent configuration data.

POST snmp_notification_agents

Adds a new SNMP agent.

POST snmp_notification_agents/{id}

Duplicates a specific SNMP Agent into a new one, resulting an identical agent data except for the title.

PUT snmp_notification_agents/{id}

Updates a specific SNMP agent data.

DELETE notification_agents/{id}

Deletes a specific SNMP Agent.

GET snmp_notification_agents/command/test/{id}

Sends test SNMP notification for an existing agent.

SNMP Devices

Configure & manage external SNMP devices(IRD).




GET snmp_devices/meta

Returns list of meta data information used for SNMP Devices configuration.

GET snmp_devices

Returns a list of all SNMP Devices configuration data.

GET snmp_devices/{id}

Returns a single specific SNMP Device configuration data.

POST snmp_devices

Adds a new SNMP Device configuration.

POST snmp_devices/{id}

Duplicates a single specific SNMP Device, preserving all configuration data except for title.

PUT snmp_devices/{id}

Updates a single specific SNMP Device configuration.

DELETE snmp_devices/{id}

Deletes a single specific SNMP Device configuration.

GET snmp_devices/command/setDevice/{channel_id}/{snmp_dev_id}/{device_id}

Send a specific channel to a pre-configured external SNMP Device.

Syslog Agent

Syslog configuration for sending events information in the system.




GET syslog_notification_agents

Returns a list of Syslog Agents configuration.

GET syslog_notification_agents/{id}

Returns a single Syslog Agent configuration data.

POST syslog_notification_agents

Adds a new Syslog Agent.

POST syslog_notification_agents/{id}

Duplicates a specific Syslog Agent into a new one, resulting with an identical agent's data except for the title.

PUT syslog_notification_agents/{id}

Updates a specific Syslog Agent data.

DELETE syslog_notification_agents/{id}

Deletes a specific Syslog Agent

GET syslog_notification_agents/command/test/{id}

Sends test Syslog notification for an existing agent.

System Events Log

Viewing and erasing System Log events.




GET sys_log/meta

Returns a list of meta data used for System Log information data.

GET sys_log

Returns a list of all System Log events information.

DELETE sys_log/{id}

Deletes a single System Log Event.

System Files

Manage import & export of configuration files.




GET system_files/meta

Returns meta data information used with the Import & Export methods.

GET system_files

Returns a list of configuration files currently available in the system.

DELETE system_files/{id}

Deletes a single specific File.

GET system_files/command/importConfigurationFile/{file_id}

Imports & activates a specific configuration file into the system.

GET system_files/command/exportConfigurationFile

Exports the current system's configuration into a new configuration file.


Configure & manage system's users.




GET users/meta

Returns meta data information used by Users configuration.

GET users

Returns a list of all Users configuration in the system.

GET users/{id}

Returns a single specific User configuration.

POST users

Adds a new User.

PUT users/{id}

Updates a single specific User information.

DELETE users/{id}

Deletes a single specific User.



Configure & manage KMS.




GET kms/config

Returns a list of KMS configurations.

GET kms/config/{id}

Returns a single KMS configuration.

POST kms/config

Adds a new KMS.

PUT kms/config/{id}

Updates an existing KMS configuration.

DELETE kms/config/{id}

Deletes an existing KMS configuration.