Upgrade MCS from version X to Y (Old Document)
Download Backup Configuration
It is recommended to create a backup file of the configuration by exporting the complete configuration before any software upgrade. Please download the backup data to your local machine to avoid loss of data in unforeseen circumstances.
To upgrade MCS from one version to another, please follow the steps below:
Stop all MCS containers.
Backup the .env file in the MCS folder to a new .env_bck_YYMMDD (Like .env_bck_241223)
cp ~/MCS/.env ~/MCS/.env_bck_241023
Copy the update file into the root folder of the MCS user.
Expand the update file with tar -xvf to overwrite the files in the active MCS folder.
Navigate to the MCS folder, and run the ./run.sh command.
5. Choose option 4 update; this will display all the images available in the system. Select the version to which you want to upgrade.
Elasticsearch setup
It is essential to edit the ‘.env’ file to externalize the elasticsearch before proceeding further.
Use the command nano .env to edit the enviroment file.
Setting EXTERNAL_LOG_DB_TYPE = “disabled”, disables all the data. Additionally, disable the Internal Elastic Search ENABLE_INTERNAL_ES=false
If EXTERNAL_LOG_DB_TYPE = “elasticsearch”, then ENABLE_INTERNAL_ES = true
Control O to save
Control X to exit
Additionally, it is recommended to do a page cache refresh,
Windows users: Press ctrl + F5 on your keyboard.
Mac users: Press command + shift + R on your keyboard.
Add Redis Password
From version 1.1.1 onwards MCS allows redis password addition after upgrade.
Use the command nano .env to add the Redis password in the enviroment file. You can set the desired password for PIPE_REDIS_PASSWORD
fields as shown below.
PIPE_REDIS_PASSWORD=<redis pipe password>
CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD=<redis cache password>