Site Readiness checklist for MCS
Site Readiness checklist for MCS
Please follow the below site readiness checklist before connecting the MCM9000 with MCS.
It is essential to have Linux and Docker deployed for the MCS system.
TAG Servers are installed correctly in an equipment rack located in an air-conditioned / Ventilated space that meets the environmental specifications of the server manufacturer.
TAG Servers are powered. Please remove the packaging (e.g., plastic) from the TAG Servers to avoid melting while the servers are heated up.
Please add port 443 (HTTPS) and keep the MCS port 80 open to send API commands to MCM9000. For MCS to receive the data back, the Redis port should also be open. (default port is 6379)
Network interface cards installed.
TAG Servers interface IP configuration completed.
The network configuration should be pre-configured such that the MCS is able to access the management network and the connected MCM device has access to the multicast network.
Please ensure the DNS is configured for MCS and the connected MCM device.
Please ensure your local instance/VM is synced to the clock (NTP/PTP).
MCS Server should not be used for storage besides the application itself.
Please refer to Site Readiness checklist for MCM9000 to ensure MCM9000 site readiness.
You can check/uncheck the above checklist for all the requirements you have and don’t have. By default, it’s unchecked.
Please ensure the above checklist is ready before the Engineer’s site visit.