RTMP Source
RTMP is a TCP-based protocol designed to maintain low-latency connections for audio and video streaming. The fields below and some pre-defined configurations (for scanned sources) are available if you scan or manually add a RTMP source.
There are three screens Common, Receivers, and Profiles, as shown below.
If you make any changes, click on the save icon for changes to apply.
Fields | Description |
Label | A user-defined name for caption-display on the mosaic and system messages. |
Device | MCM9000 device the source is being monitored on. |
Access Type | Type of channel source (RTMP). |
Service Type | Service type settings (SD/HD/Radio, etc.); used for system resource allocation. *Please note that altering this affects the resources used by the system and the quality of the monitoring. Service type refers to the number of hardware resources that should be allocated for monitoring the channel. Service type is usually measured by SD point (0.5,1,5,10,20...) depending upon the required hardware allocation which is usually detected during the scan. |
Recording | Not relevant for RTMP. |
Monitoring Level | Select the Monitoring level (Full, Light, Extra Light). Full Monitoring: One full license and the full amount of SD points will be consumed by the system, and full monitoring will be done. Light Monitoring: One full license and a third of the SD points will be consumed, and the monitoring level will be for a third of the time. Extra Light Monitoring: One full license and a fifth of the SD points will be consumed, and the monitoring level will be for a fifth of the time. |
Tags | Specifying Tags enables filtering the sources based on tags. (E.g. Tag1) |
Note | General free text notes about the channel. |
Content | |
Audio Loudness Monitoring | Select the desired audio loudness measurement standard. EBU R 128 or ATSC A/85 (no gating). |
Hide Overscan | By default, overscan lines are hidden from the mosaic. Uncheck the checkbox for the full-frame display. |
Miscellaneous | |
Profile Automation Mode | Automatically chooses the profile from PMT Auto-Matching. If you want to choose Scheduler, enable the Scheduling Group |
Tally Mapping | Configure tally settings for the source. |
Snooze on Profile Change | Set time slot after profile change (in seconds), where errors related to the change are ignored. |
Unconfigured Component | Select the system response on detection of a PID which is not defined in the static channel configuration on the PMT:
Adhoc Activation Group | Enabling Adhoc activation groups allow automatic monitoring/unmonitoring of source. To configure, please refer to Adhoc Monitoring Workflow (Resource Grouping). |
Scheduling Group | Enabling scheduling groups, allows profile change in specific time zones. To configure, please refer to How to configure the scheduler on MCS. |
Fields | Description |
Publish Point URL | Publish point URL string in RTMP. *For example, if "rtmp://testStreamurl.com/live/stream1" is a working RTMP stream, "rtmp:// testStreamurl.com/live" refers to the publishing point URL. |
Stream URL Identifier | Stream identifier string in RTMP. *For example, if "rtmp://testStreamurl.com/live/stream1" is a working RTMP stream, stream1 refers to the Stream URL identifier. |
Networks | |
Network | The NIC used for this stream. |
There is a default profile. You can also add profile according to your preference, by clicking on Add Profile (Highlighted in Green). Click on the save icon to save the changes.
Fields | Description |
Label | Identification name for cross-system notifications; if the activated profile is not the default one, the profile's name will be displayed next to the channel's name on the mosaic. |
Default | Set the profile as default. Only one profile can be set to default; setting a profile as default overrides previous settings. |
Thresholds | Channel monitoring thresholds set. To reconfigure, please refer to Thresholds. |
Notifications | Channel monitoring notifications set. To reconfigure, please refer to Notifications. |
Title Color | Select the font color of the channel box title in the mosaic. |
Border Color | Select the border color of the channel box in the mosaic. Change of border color due to error notification will override this setting. |
Pixelization Level | Select the pixelization masking level from the dropdown (mostly used to mask adult content over the mosaic channel). |
Service Bitrate | The total service bitrate of all PIDs, including the PMT itself. Use the toggle switch to specify minimum and maximum values allowed or choose Auto for automatic selection. The values set are used for the service bitrate detection rules. |
To add components, click on Add Component and choose from the options listed.
Fields | Description |
Type | Component type. Based on the selection, additional configurable fields will be displayed. |
Transport Monitored | When checked, transport is monitored. |
Content Monitored | Whether the component content is monitored or not. When unchecked, all content-related rules will be disabled for the component (e.g., audio silence, freeze frame, PES drop, etc.). |
Bitrate | Desired bitrate for the component (either single CBR value or dual VBR value). Use the toggle switch to specify the minimum, and maximum values allowed or choose 'I' to ignore selection. |
Codec Type | Select the Codec type from the dropdown for video streaming. For non-constant content, select Don't care. |
Resolution | Specify the video resolution. Format : [width]x[height][i/p]. For example, 720x576i, 1280x720p. Leaving this field empty will disable related error notifications. |
Aspect Ratio | Select the aspect ratio for the video content from the dropdown. For non-constant content, select Don't care. |
Profile/Level | Select the profile level for the video content from the dropdown. Encoding profile and level, as reported from the stream. |
Color Space | Select the color space for the video content from the dropdown. |
Frame Rate | Specify the video frame rate (frames per second). Leaving this field empty will disable related error notifications. |
Fields | Description |
Type | Component type. Based on the selection, additional configurable fields will be displayed. |
Transport Monitored | When checked, transport is monitored. |
Content Monitored | Whether the component content is monitored or not. When unchecked, all content-related rules will be disabled for the component (e.g., audio silence, freeze frame, PES drop, etc.). |
Bitrate | Desired bitrate for the component (either single CBR value or dual VBR value). Use the toggle switch to specify the minimum, and maximum values allowed or choose 'I' to ignore selection. |
Language | Specify the configured language of the component (for display purposes only). |
Codec | Select the audio codec type from the dropdown. |
Channel Mapping | Select the audio channels from the dropdown list. |
DailNorm | Dialnorm is the metadata parameter that controls playback gain within the Dolby Laboratories Dolby Digital (AC-3) audio compression system. Dialnorm stands for dialog normalization. Dialnorm is an integer value with a range of 1 to 31 corresponding to a playback gain of -30 to 0 dB (unity), respectively. |
Samplerate | Samples per second. |
Click on the save icon to save the changes.