Unable to start the system

Unable to start the system

What should I do when my system doesn’t start

Before starting the system, please make sure to prepare the system as follows:

●      Any SATA/SCSI drives are disconnected from the server.

●      “Legacy boot” is enabled in BIOS.

●      USB drive is selected as the first (and only) boot device.

●      No other USB drives are connected to the server.

Connect a display monitor and USB keyboard to the server and power it on. After the system completes the initial boot sequence, the CLI (Command Line Interface) will be visible on the local display and should look similar to the screenshot below. Configure at least one NIC (Network Interface Card) to have access to the MCM-9000 Web Management GUI.

For example :

eth0 ip

eth0 mask

eth0 gateway

Click on Submit button to save the current network configuration (otherwise the previous configuration will be restored after the next reboot).

After setting up the network you should be able to access the GUI from another device in the network and start using the system.

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