Restore USB Dongle

Restore USB Dongle

My USB dongle was destroyed, how can I restore it?

  • If your USB dongle is damaged physically and is not working, please contact sales@tagvs.com to replace a new one with the same license limit.

** Please ensure to backup the configuration file to restore your system setup with the new dongle.

  • If your USB is not damaged, but the system is not booting, you will need to rebuild the dongle. Mostly, it happens when the client ejects the USB while the server is still running. Try to avoid that and power off the machine prior to the USB disconnection.

Steps to rebuild the USB dongle:

  • Download "makeDongle_v21.rar" from the support zone (ask from the support team) into a Windows OS-based machine.

  • Extract from the downloaded file the "makeDongle" application.

  • Connect the flash drive to Windows OS-based machine.

  • Copy all following files from the flash drive  to your computer :

license .tag and settings.xml - found under "license" folder

software.bin and  firmware.bin from both img1 & img2 folders

  • Run the "makeDongle" application.

Make sure the correct target drive is selected in the application - should be the flash driver.

  • Format the flash drive using the windows "makeDongle" application.

Copy the "software.bin" file into "img1" & "img2" folders

Copy the "firmware.bin" file into "img1" & "img2" folders

Copy the "license.tag" & "settings.xml" file into the "license" folder

  • Reconnect the flash drive to the server.

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