Layout Templates

Customized layout design can be created using Layout Templates. Layouts use these templates for monitoring the desired Channel Sources.

In the Layouts Templates Configurtaion screen, there are three collapsable buttons at the right side, Tiles, Actions, and List to collapse/uncollapse Tiles, Actions, and Templates respectively as highlighted below.

Tiles : All the default tiles and the tiles that are created through Tile Editor are listed here (Hightlighted in red). These tiles are dragged and dropped to the center blank template.

Action : The actions (Move, Align, Spacing etc) can be done on the tiles.

Templates : The preconfigured and the newly added layout template are available on the right-side panel in the template list (Highlighted in green).


To design a customized layout, please refer to Template Design. To use the preconfigured default Layout Editor templates, please refer to Available Mosaic Layouts.