
WHP296 is an extension to SCTE-104. WHP296 is metadata that can be sent over uncompressed 2022-6 or 2110-40.

**From version 5.6.0 onwards, WHP296 events are supported.

IDNameEvent ErrorDescription
390WHP296 missingWHP296 MissingTriggered when no WHP296 content is detected.
391WHP296 program name changeWHP296 ProgName ChangeTriggered when the WHP296 reported program name changes.
392WHP296 UID changeWHP296 UID ChangeTriggered when the WHP296 UID changed.
393WHP296 parse errorWHP296 Parse ErrorTriggered when the WHP296 content can't be parsed.
394WHP296 psp flags changeWHP296 Flag ChangeTriggered when the WHP296 psp flag changes.
395WHP296 opt flag activeWHP296 OPT Flag ONTriggered when the WHP296 opt flag active.
396WHP296 opt flag inactiveWHP296 OPT Flag OFFTriggered when the WHP296 opt flag inactive.
397WHP296 flags missingWHP296 Flags MissingTriggered when the WHP296 flags missing.
398WHP296 DOG ChangeWHP296 DOG ChangeTriggered when the WHP296 DOG changes.
399WHP296 DOG ActiveWHP296 DOG ActiveTriggered when the WHP296 DOG is active.
400WHP296 DOG InactiveWHP296 DOG InactiveTriggered when the WHP296 DOG is inactive.