

Conditional Access Table (CAT) is a DVB table that describes the conditional access system and their EMM (Entitled Management Message).

IDNameEvent ErrorDescription


CAT Not Found

CAT Not Found

CAT table not found; either PID is missing, or the table was not found in the PID.


CAT Repetition Too Slow

CAT Repetition Too Slow

CAT repetition rate too slow; this is a user-configurable threshold.


Table ID Error on CAT PID

CAT Table ID Error

CAT table ID field is not equal to 0x01.


Max Crypto Period Value

Crypto Word Interval

The detected crypto period is not within the configured time. Crypto Period is the time an encryption key is used before it is replaced. For the default, a Crypto Period, the key is changed every 10 seconds. This event measures the maximum amount of time the system uses the same key. If the key is used beyond the configured value for key replacement, an event is triggered.


Content Scrambled While Configured as Clear

PID Scrambled

The PID content is marked as scrambled in the TS Packet header, while configured as clear in the channel configuration.


Content Clear While Configured as Scrambled

PID Is Clear

The PID content is marked as clear in the TS Packet header, while configured as scrambled in the channel configuration.


CAT Is Illegal

CAT Illegal

Illegal values or length on CAT table.


CC Errors on CAT

CC Error on CAT

CC errors detected on the CAT PID.


Verify Scrambled Content Scrambling

Scrambling Fault

Detected unscrambled content, which is marked as scrambled in the TS packet header.


EMM Descriptor Missing

EMM Desc Missing

Crypto word is the key required to descramble the content. In a regular system, the crypto word is encrypted with another key known as ECM. The ECM is sent as a part of the Transport stream to all the users. ECM is sent as a part of EMM, which is the same key encrypted by another layer to be sent for a single user. The smart card in the setup box does the decryption of the EMM. This way, each user obtains his unique key in a round-robin fashion through the EMM. Thus, ECM is encryption for each service or program, whereas EMM is for each customer.

Configured EMM descriptor does not exist on the stream.


ECM Descriptor Missing

ECM Desc Missing

Configured ECM descriptor does not exist on the stream.


EMM Private Data Changes

EMM Private Data

The Private Data field of one of the EMMs has been changed.


ECM Private Data Changes

ECM Private Data

The Private Data field of one of the ECMs has been changed. This can be caused due to a change in the channel's access criteria.


EMM CA-ID Change


CA-ID of a specific EMM has been changed.


ECM CA-ID Change


CA-ID of a specific ECM has been changed.


Descrambling key missing, can't descramble

No descrambling key

There is no key to descramble content. It's relevant only while using a descrambling license.


Clear CW for ECM is missing

No CW for ECM

This event is triggered when the CW required for decoding the channel is not found in the MCM cache. The required CW is defined by the ECM.
The Control Word (CW) data in the ECM is missing or is clear.

431BISS-2 faultBISS-2 FaultThis event is triggered when a channel is configured for "BISS-2" KMS and if there is an error during the decryption/key handling process. The extra data is a free text message describing the type of problem.
Current options available are "emm not found" / "entitlement ID missing" / "Bad public key" / "missing session key".

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