

System → Devices

Information on all devices detected on the network can be found under Devices. The Devices page has two tables:

Information: It contains the essential information and configuration of each device.

Status: Provides the current status and utilization information of each device.

Note: Please refer to how to build a stack before proceeding with the operations on the Devices GUI.

Possible actions on selected devices:


Click on the add icon to create and join a new stack (for devices that are not part of a stack).

On a stacked device: One device "invites" another device to join the stack. The invited device must actively join the stack by pressing the "Join Stack" button on its own GUI.

Note: This is possible only when both the devices have the same "Stacking Multicast" address under System Settings.

On an independent device: Click to accept stack invitation. This button is active only when a stack is configured.

On a local device: Leave the stack. The device will remain on stack configuration until it is removed manually.

On a remote device: Remove the device from stack configuration. To gain its standalone capabilities, the device should also leave the stack locally.

Copy the device's configuration to another target device in the stack. It is also possible to transfer between the Cloud license and the Device license.

Note: Original configuration of the target device will be lost!

This feature is useful in case of a device malfunction.

When the device has lost its connection in the stack, it could be removed from the GUI. Alternatively, to remove a device, it has to be disconnected from the stack.

To refresh the Devices GUI, click on the refresh icon.

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