Channel Information

Channel Information

Channel Information provides the following details about a specific channel selected at the right pane.



Display name of the channel source.


Specifies the severity (Clear, Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Notice, Info, Lost connection to the device, No network interface, Not Monitored).


Monitoring device name.

Monitoring Level

Select the Monitoring level (Full, Light, Extra Light).

Playlist URL

The main URL of the Stream.

Profile URL

The URL of the profile manifest.

Transport Mode

Channel source type. Please refer to the channel source type.

Source Address

The source address of the channel (if applicable).

Program CC

Relevant if there is a closed caption.


Unique username for the channel; used for SNMP traps and emails.


It is the physical ID of the Interface (eth0, eth1, etc.).


Logical network name, as configured under Network.

Program Bitrate

Specifies the program bitrate.

Segment Duration

The duration of the segments.

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