Scan NDI

Scan NDI

NDI (Network Device Interface) is a highly compressed (about 15 to 1) version of Audio and Video transmission, invented by NewTek. To scan an NDI source, once you click on add NDI, the below screen is displayed.   

Please note NDI is available from version 5.6.0 onwards. 

The Scan NDI GUI has the below fields.

To initiate the scan, click Submit after specifying the relevant details.



These are the mandatory fields and are displayed in the Scan Channels GUI.


Logical network name, as configured under Network.


Monitoring device name.

Access Type

Selected channel Scan Source (NDI).

Name Template

Template for naming the channel source. Click on the Append or Override button to append or override an existing name.

Default Template

Default templates available are:

  • #IP#: IP address.
  • #PORT#: Port number.
  • #SSM#: Source-Specific Multicast.
    Default templates or any name of choice can be specified for the channel source name.


All the details specified in the Add Range and Name Template are listed here. One can also set the below fields manually.

Suppose there is a list of Sources with the below details that need to be added. Copy the details (ctrl+c) and click on the Sources table to paste (ctrl+v).


Input the source channel's desired name manually or append the name from the Default Template.

IP Address/URL

Input a valid IP address or URL of the NDI source channel manually, or the IP address specified in the Add Range table is displayed.

Note: To initiate the scan, click Submit. The number of found channels will be displayed on the Status column in the Scan Channels GUI on completing the scan. All new channels will be visible in gray on the Sources Configuration table.

Any existing channel rescanned will be assigned the Scanned profile in gray. To use these profile definitions later, go to the channel's profile, click the Scanned profile and rename it. See Profiles for more information.

Version 6.0.5 onwards MCM9000 supports scanning of proxy stream. Please refer to How to Monitor the NDI Proxy Stream on RX for more details.

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