Deployment Architecture

Deployment Architecture

There are several deployment choices for the TAG MCM9000 monitoring system in AWS, depending on the cloud environment and customer application. The common use cases are described on the following.

Method 1

A single MCM9000 instance located in a public subnet.

Method 2

A single MCM9000 instance located in a private subnet, with a Nat Gateway or proxy server on a public subnet to create a secure environment.

Method 3

Hybrid environment (Ground to the cloud → Cloud to Ground) using VPN.

Method 4

Multi region using VPC peering.

Method 5

Hybrid environment (Ground to cloud → Cloud to Ground) using Direct Connect.

AWS Elemental MediaConnect

AWS Elemental MediaConnect can be used to connect to incoming and outgoing feeds, providing transport protection of transport streams across unmanaged networks.

MediaConnect can also act as a “cloud DA”,  creating copies of signals used in your workflows to send to the MCM9000 for monitoring.

TAG supports a wide range of signal types and protection methods compatible with MediaConnect including AWS CDI for ultra-low-latency uncompressed and JPEG-XS transport .

Amazon S3 - Push the MCM9000 recordings and output to store in S3 bucket. Use Intelligent-Tiering storage class to reduce costs.

Amazon MSK - Push MCM 9000 Notifications to Amazon MSK (Kafka).

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