Costs and Licenses

Costs and Licenses

AWS account and cost :

The TAG monitoring application runs in the customer's AWS account and VPC. This provides maximum security for your content, the flexibility to run your workloads wherever you choose and minimizes the costs of the underlying AWS services by avoiding passthrough markup. All cost associated with all the AWS services used while running the MCM9000 AMI deployment will be the sole responsibility of the client.

Some of the AWS services settings, such as instance type and size, will affect the cost of the MCM9000 deployment. The optimal TAG instance sizing is for your workflow can be calculated using our online tool.
For cost estimates, see the pricing pages or use AWS Simple Monthly Calculator (AWS Simple Monthly Calculator).

TAG VS Licensing cost:

The MCM9000 licenses cost is available as both a perpetual CAPEX license and as a consumption-based OPEX license. For pricing information please contact your TAG representative: Sales@tagvs.com

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