Layout Selection

Layout Selection

The Layout Configuration has the below fields.


Error Mode 

Error Agent

Error Mode uses all empty tiles on the mosaic as a penalty box. Select the error agent from the dropdown list. Please refer to Notification agents to configure error agents.

Layout Cycle 

Layout Cycle Interval

The output mosaic stream can cycle between multiple layouts (see Layouts).

When enabled, specify the interval (in sec) to cycle between the selected Layouts under Available Layouts.

Available Layouts 


Layout Name.


Layout Type.


Layout resolution.


Double-click to add or remove layouts to the cycle.

Channels Device

Monitoring device name.

Only layouts matching the encoder's resolution will appear on the Available Layouts table. When the Layout Cycle feature is disabled, activating one layout on the table will replace the prior selection.

NOTE: When mosaic's frame rate is below standard, the cycle feature is disabled automatically.

If an error agent is selected, the encoder will act as a Penalty Box and collect errors according to the Notifications Sets configuration.

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