Transport Configuration

Transport Configuration

The Transport Configuration has the below fields.


Relevant for TS 

Transport Mode

Transport protocol; options differ according to license type: TS/UDP, TS/RTP.

Transport Stream ID

TS ID for the PAT/SDT tables.

Program Number

The mosaic service ID.

Null Padding

Null padding toggle switch. When disabled, the stream will not contain any NULL packets (PID 8191).


Specify Program Mapping Table PID.

Video PID

Specify video stream PID.


When checked, specify the audio PID to send audio of the channels by re-encoding to AAC format to the audio of the mosaic.
*Relevant for compressed. 

Passthrough Audio PID

When checked, specify the audio PID to send the audio of the channels to the audio of the mosaic without re-encoding.

*For SRT/Zixi, by default its disabled, if enabled Rx will stop working. 

Audio Agent

Select an Alarm Agent for this encoder. To use the alarm, configure the notifications set for this agent.

Relevant for OTT/HLS streams 

OTT Min Chunk Length

Specifies the minimum chuck length (in sec) considering latency.

OTT Number of Chunks

Specifies the number of chunks in the playlist considering latency.
For example, if OTT Min chuck length is 1sec and OTT Number of Chunks is 3. The latency would be 1*3 (sec).

HLS Index Generation Interval

When checked, specify the duration (0-120 min) of the HLS output stream that can be saved on an external FTP server.

**MCM9000 version 6.3.3 onwards default "HLS Index" duration value is 1 min.

Relevant for Uncompressed streams 

Video Payload Type ID

Specify the Video Payload type ID (range 96-127).

Audio Payload Type ID

Specify the Audio Payload type ID (range 96-127).

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