How to update the default logo on empty video tiles and creating image tiles

How to update the default logo on empty video tiles and creating image tiles

In order to change the TAG logo on the mosaic output into a customized one, you will need the mcm_icons.rar file. Please contact the TAG VS support team at support@tagvs.com to have it shared with you (The mcm_icons package is for file name reference). The file contains the default icons used in the MCM-9000. 

  • Connect to your MCM-9000 with the FTP using your management IP address and use the following credentials :

Username: icons

Password: tagvs

  • Upload your JPG file into the FTP folder with the exact name as appears in mcm_icons. restart encoder to apply new images

To add jpegs, you can use the jpeg object in the tile editor:

  • Upload the needed images to the same location in FTP as mentioned above.

  • Using a JPG box type from the layout editor, you edit the box and put a URL as below:


  • If you want a spinning logo, you can use a sequence of JPGs as below:


  • If you put several independent JPGs and want a slower replacement, you can use the "rate" option as follows:


where "rate" is a multiplier, so "1" is regular, and any number is slower.

  • You can also use the "update" option if hot updates need to be done:


where the number represents the number of seconds between each reloads.

** The images can be updated via FTP or from the URL of the image in case of multiple MCMs in the group. For example, http://weather.local/radar/nc/raleigh.jpg;update=20

Note: The default Logo should have a size of 256x160 (WxH). However, the error and warning images on the tiles must be 128x128 (WxH).

Please refer to How to send jpeg images to MCM9000 through WinSCP to replace other jpeg images or icons.

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